The Pastor’s Blog – I’VE GOT A MANSION
As my wife and I explored the hills around Christie Falls, we came across this old log cabin in the woods. I dared Lise to open the door and see what was inside – she refused with a very practical response; “There is no handle on the door!” Hard to argue with that!
As far as old log cabins go, this was built really quite well. We decided that we may not want to live in it, but it sure would be a welcome shelter if we were in the hills and got caught in a storm. We certainly preferred our house in the city with the running water (hot & cold!), flush toilets, a full kitchen and heat!
As I thought about the contrast between this cabin and my house, I concluded that there was no comparison. My home is luxurious compared to this cabin. If I compare my house with the large homes overlooking the ocean, suddenly my place looks like a cabin in comparison!
Still, I am very happy with this home. It is more than adequate for my wife and me. It even had enough room to entertain the children and our grandbaby last week.
I am even more excited, however, about the home Jesus has gone to prepare for me. In John 14:2-3 Jesus tells his disciples the following:
“2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
What a wonderful thought. Jesus went ahead of us to heaven to prepare a place just for us. The KJV translation calls it a mansion, NIV calls it a room. It really does not matter to me, as I know whatever Jesus prepares for His people is wonderful. Best of all it will be located in Jesus’ neighbourhood: heaven! So, as the song writer wrote, “I’m satisfied with a cottage below… I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop!” (Ira F. Stanphill, 1949)
– Pastor Gary