The Pastor’s Blog – VALUE
How can we determine the value of something? Take a look at the picture attached to this article. These are tables filled with the items people donated for the yard sale. People went through their homes and determined that these items had little value to them, so they hoped they had a little value to raise money for our missions’ project.
It is impossible to see all the items on the tables, but there is everything from blenders to books, candles to chandeliers. Most things were small, though we did have a captain’s bed, bookshelves and a couple of bikes. So how much would all these little items be worth?
Would you believe we raised $3000 selling these items people deemed worthless? Someone else saw value in that crock-pot, or that Christmas decoration, or those DVDs, and were willing to spend money (not much) to obtain them.
What are you worth? Of course a financial adviser would add up your assets and liabilities and decide you were worth so many dollars. Your boss might value you according to what you add to the company. Your spouse and family will value you quite differently. So what value does God put on your life?
This is what the Psalmist says about the value of our life:
7 No one can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for them—
8 the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough—
9 so that they should live on forever and not see decay.
You and I are worth so much, in God’s eyes, that no one can pay the price to purchase our lives. Not even the riches people in the world have enough money to buy you eternal life.
BUT … God offers eternal life to you as a gift, and he purchases your life through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. We cannot put a dollar value on the life of our Lord Jesus, yet that was the price paid to rescue us from our sin and the curse of death. If ever you feel you are worth nothing, think again. That is not how God sees you. He paid a price of infinite value to make you His child.
– Pastor Gary