Sunday Morning Live – 2021 May 30
Welcome! We are glad you are here …
As per Provincial Health Order issued Nov 19, there will be no in-person services until further notice.
Sunday Morning Live Stream will start in
“And a child shall lead them…” | 1 Samuel 17:40-49
We invite you to join us online in various ways …
1. Use the Church.Online Platform during scheduled live services. (Feel free to create an account and join us in the chat 15 minutes before each service. Introduce yourself, interact with others, request for prayer, sing along, open the electronic Bible, share your learnings during the hour, encourage/pray for someone …
2. You are also welcome to join us on Facebook OR
3. Simply click the play button below (It becomes available around 5 minutes prior to the scheduled service)
Let us know you have joined us. We’d love to connect with you!
Zoom Bible Study

Prayer Time

Youth Group

Children’s Ministry

Help Needed!

Thank you for supporting other ministries
Crossroads Pregnancy Centre Baby Bottle Drive

Prayer in the Sanctuary

Ladies Prayer Time and Fellowship

You may also view Previous Live Services.
Last Sunday’s Service