Once upon a time there was a printer… (you still with me?)
The printer was designed to print not only in black and white, but brilliant colors, producing cards and pictures people proudly put on their mantles. It worked flawlessly, until a time came when the printer was separated from the owner for a time. For months the printer sat on the shelf, waiting to be used again, longing to create and thrill people with its art work.
Finally the owner returned and spent hours on the computer working on a new creation. The printer could hardly hold back its excitement, knowing soon it would be called upon to put beautiful colours onto paper once again. Finally, the owner was ready, and the project was sent to the printer. Gears turned and the paper was slowly fed through the machine, ink carefully being laid out in just the right proportions to create a masterpiece.
The printer beamed when the printing was completed, ready to hear the praise of the owner. Instead, the owner exclaimed, “Oh no!” On the freshly inked paper was not the picture the owner had designed, but merely a few lines of black print and blue smudges. What could have gone wrong? The printer usually did such good work, but now it was almost useless to the owner.
The owner opened the printer and saw the ink jets covered in dried up ink, clogging the channels through which the ink usually flowed. The offending pieces were carefully removed from the printer, and dropped into soaking solution. The old ink was washed away, until the fresh ink flowed freely once again. The owner was soon making incredible cards and pictures with the printer once again.
The printer represents our lives, created to bring love and life to our world, but our hearts become clogged with sin and selfishness and disobedience. Though some may say we are now worthless, our owner, Jesus, lovingly cleans our hearts by bathing them in his love. The solution used to cleanse our hearts is his blood, shed on the cross for us. Then, when our hearts are made clean again, God creates beauty and grace in the world through us, masterpieces of love.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10, TLB)
– Pastor Gary