The Pastor’s Blog – BEYOND THE TURKEY

As I write, people are preparing to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving. Before settlers came to the country, indigenous people had celebrations each autumn for the food harvested or gathered. This national holiday continues to provide people with the opportunity to say “thank you” to God for all we enjoy as a nation.

As we have moved away from being an agrarian culture, we recognize other things we should be grateful for. We are grateful for our homes (many are not so fortunate), for a ready supply of food and clothing, for peace and freedom and so many other non-tangible blessings. We are thankful for family, for church, for our friends and neighbours. Above all, we are thankful for the gift of Jesus, God’s means of salvation for all who will put their trust in him.

As I recounted all the blessings that we enjoy, I looked across my office to the pile of boxes and bags that filled the room. They were filled with winter coats and boots, gloves, hats and scarves, sweaters and other clothing items. In that pile there were hygiene items, tarps and a whole bunch of stuffed animals. All of these items were collected to give away to refugees who came out of Afghanistan. The refugees fled terrible persecution with almost nothing, and now they were in a camp as winter descends upon them.

Knowing this the people from the church decided that part of their thankfulness would include sharing what they had. These items were donated, knowing how blessed we are, and how much need these others had. Part of the response of thankfulness was to share with others.

We read in 1 John 3:17:

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?”

As I sit here at my desk I just added one more thing to my “thankful” list. I am thankful that God’s people are willing to share their blessings with others.

– Pastor Gary

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