Recently my wife and I took a trip through Jasper National Park.
Everywhere we looked there were amazing views of the mountains. Some were tree covered, while others were bare rock and very rugged. Snow could be seen on most of the mountains, as it was only May, adding to their beauty. God has certainly created a world filled with never ending views that bring wonder and awe.
As we drove through the mountains, I was reminded again and again of the 121st Psalm:
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth. (NIV)
What challenges are you facing? What struggles are you going through? No matter what it is, the Word of God stands: you can turn to God for our help. Of course, as in everything with God, He gives you a choice. You can choose to look to the God who created the heavens and the earth as your helper, or you can turn to something or someone else.
I choose the one true God, revealed in Jesus Christ, to be my helper. I have seen the extent of His love for me, sending His one and only Son to die to be my Redeemer/Saviour, so of course I trust Him with my life. What about you?
– Pastor Gary