The Pastor’s Blog – THE GUITAR

There it sits in the corner of the room, collecting dust. It is a beautiful, limited edition Walden guitar. It has a rich tone and seldom needs tuning. It has beautiful wooden body and neck; the craftsmanship is evident.

Yet there it sits in the corner of my office waiting to be played. My wife played it for a time but it was too big for her, so she bought a smaller guitar and that one gets plenty of use. I am supposed to play this guitar – or at least learn to play on this guitar – but there it sits unused.

What a waste…

That is like the lives of some people. Each of us has been gifted to do some things well, but we don’t do anything. We get busy with our jobs, our relationships, our school, our social media accounts and suddenly the talents are set on a shelf in the corner, neglected and unused.

Before you sigh with relief and say, “Well, I don’t have any talents, so he is not talking about me!” I need you to think again. We all have talents. Some are upfront and visible to all, true, and everyone notices those. The singers, musicians, readers, story tellers and actors are often on the stage of the world – unless they too have buried their talents (cf. Matthew 25:14-30).

Then there are the hidden talents. The one who is such a gracious host, or writes the most encouraging cards, or drops by just when you need it most, or bakes the best homemade buns, or prays so consistently you just know you are being lifted before the throne of God when they pray for you. So many make the lives of others better by who they are and what they do – their talent.

Where are the teachers for the children, the youth leader, the pianist, the visitation team, the newsletter writer? Are they sitting in the corner gathering dust too? My guitar must wait for me to get motivated. You belong to God. He is ready to make music through your life right now. Are you ready?

– Pastor Gary

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