Forgive me if my thoughts seem to be in a strange place this Christmas season, but I just finished conducting my third funeral in four weeks. On top of that, I just received a call that another member has passed away, and another is in palliative care. So I have been thinking about what it might be like to spend Christmas in heaven.

I looked online and many people have mused on this topic. I found a poem called “My First Christmas in Heaven” by Wanda Bencke that contains these lines:

I hear the many Christmas songs,
That people hold so dear,
But the sounds of music can’t compare,
With the Christmas choir up here.
For I have no words to tell you,
The joy their voices bring.
For it is beyond description,
To hear an angel sing.
I can’t tell you of the splendor,
Or the peace here in this place.
Can you just imagine Christmas,
With our Savior, face to face?

What a thought – “Christmas with our Saviour, face to face!” What it is like in heaven no person really knows. All the images in scripture are pictures to try and describe the indescribable. But the one consistent theme in all the scriptures is that when we are in heaven, we will be with Jesus. He provided the way through his sacrificial death, and invites each of us to say “Yes” to his offer of salvation as a free gift through faith in Him. Some day each of us will hear His voice say, “Come.” Then we too will know what it is like to spend Christmas in heaven. No wonder, despite the pain of saying goodbye, “we do not grieve like the rest of people who do not have hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13).

I may have more questions than answers right now, but I do know one thing, I do what to spend all my Christmases in heaven when this life is through. How about you? Wouldn’t you like to spend your Christmases in heaven with Jesus?

– Pastor Gary

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