The Pastor’s Blog – CREATION

Last Sunday the children delighted us with a display of artwork depicting the stories of Genesis and Exodus. What a variety of styles, colours, and talent. From the very young (pre-school) to our teens, each child added her version of what the story might have looked like. Some images were filled with bold and vibrant colours. Others were creations in subdued colours.

Though the art pieces were all very different, each was beautiful. It reminds us of the creativity within the human spirit. These children took basic tools – a paintbrush, paints and a canvas – and they created pieces of art. We could see the story unfold on the canvas, whether it was Moses at the burning bush, Moses crossing the Red Sea, or Hagar crying out for help.

This takes us back to the first verse of Genesis where we read, “In the beginning God created…” Our God is a creative God, and though He rested from His labours on the seventh day, I do not believe He has ever stopped creating. Each glorious sunrise comes from the imagination of our creative God. Each sunset carries His mark of approval. Mountain scenes, and prairies, forests and deserts all are masterpieces from the hand of God.

As I looked at the creative work of our children, and reflected on the fact that our God is a creative God, I realized that our art shows we have a connection to our creator God. He truly did breathe life into us. We were created in His image to reflect God to our world. When our sin, which mars His image, is dealt with through our faith and trust in Jesus’ sacrificial death, then we can reflect our creator God back to this world crying out for hope, joy and love. We are his masterpieces to tell the world that they are loved. I hope we always share that message through our creative, joyful lives.

– Pastor Gary

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