The Pastor’s Blog – EARLY IN THE MORNING …
This past week my routine was disrupted as I spent the week at the District Church’s Kid’s Camp. It was a great week, filled with lots of activity and interaction with the seven 10-12 year-old boys who were in my cabin, plus the two Junior Counselors and the two “Extra Helpers.” Our cabin was a busy, noisy (smelly) place.
Each morning there was a staff meeting at 7 am, so to get quiet time I needed to wake up at least by 6 am and find a place away from the campers where I could read the Bible and pray.
Sometimes I would choose the dock, that place where I spent much of my day as a lifeguard for the camp. At six in the morning it was perfectly quiet and still. It was not hard to feel the presence of God in that place and in that moment.
It is easy to see why Jesus would slip away before dawn, escaping the constant demands of the crowds and the never-ending questions of the disciples. Jesus was setting an example we all could follow, demonstrating the fact that we all need time alone with God, and early morning is a good time for prayer in the lives of many people. For others, that time does not work. Their brains do not function well until later in the day, and after a few cups of coffee. For them an evening quiet time, or even a mid-day quiet time, works best.
In your day, when will be the best time to “be still and know that [He] is God?”
– Pastor Gary