The Pastor’s Blog – A MOTHER’S LOVE

Every year we take a day to say a special “Thank you” to our mothers. Now that our children are grown and moved away from home, my wife and I will often reminisce about the years when they were small by looking through old photographs or videos. We laugh as we see how outfits and hairdos change when a woman becomes a mother. Childcare is demanding work, so we often see hairstyles become “easy care” and clothes very practical!
We all have a mother to thank for bringing us into the world. We may or may not have been raised by this person, but the gift of life is precious. For those who did raise us, we also offer a word of thanks. Each stage of a child’s life presents the mother with new challenges and demands, and no one gave Mom a manual on how to do this. They simply do the best that they can. Thank you mom.
I am grateful to my wife for being such a wonderful mother to our children, raising them with love and teaching them about faith and kindness. I see our children grown and I am so proud of them, and I know I have their mother to thank for shaping them into the people they are today.
I am grateful to my mother who continues to love and support me, and for the dozens of mother figures in both my life and the life of my family. There are women who love other people’s children as if they were their own. We have been privileged to have many “mothers” like this in our lives. What a blessing!
The picture of a mother comforting her child is one of the most peaceful scenes one can find. A mother taking her child in her arms and holding him/her close until the fear, or anger, or sorrow passes is a beautiful thing. The child is calmed and at peace once again in the arms of mother.
It should come as no surprise, then, that God uses this picture to describe his loving care for us. Listen to his words to his people found in Isaiah 66:13
“As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you;”
Can you see the strong arms of God wrapped around you bringing comfort today?
– Pastor Gary