The Pastor’s Blog – ONE YEAR LATER

It was a year ago that I snapped a picture of the daffodils growing next to the church and wrote how they were a symbol of hope. COVID had just shut everything down, and we were adjusting to no church gatherings, no family gatherings, many businesses closed and a heightened sense of caution to protect one another and care for one another.

A year later we are still locked down, still not gathering and still watching businesses struggle to survive. I am so glad God did not show us this in advance, as I am sure I would have gone “stir crazy.” Instead, God simply said (to his people a long time ago), “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” (Deuteronomy 33:25) We have found it to be so. We are still here. God is still with us. God is still on the throne.

Maybe the flowers take on a new meaning this year. Often we see these beautiful daffodils and are reminded that after the winter’s cold and snow there is hope of new life in the springtime. It is a symbol of the resurrection, for even after the apparent deadness of the winter season there is always the promise of new life when the sun shines again.

We are people of hope, looking forward to the resurrection life promised in Jesus, no matter how bleak the winter season we are in feels. Yes, “outwardly we are perishing, but inwardly we are being renewed day after day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16) This is the promise of Easter, which we celebrate this weekend. There is always hope of new life in Christ Jesus!

But the flowers may also symbolize patient endurance. After these flowers finished blooming last year, the tops died and the bulbs sat dormant. They waited until they were prompted to bloom again. And right on cue, as Spring came, they sprouted and brought joy to this corner of our property. Patient endurance. The Psalmist said, “I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.” (Psalm 40:1)

I am not good at waiting. I am glad I was not with the children of Israel who waited 400 years for God to deliver them from the Egyptians! Nonetheless, I will wait patiently for the Lord (or try) and watch what He has in store for tomorrow. If God makes the flowers blossom right on time, I can trust my tomorrow will also be exactly what God has planned for me in His love. So I will wait. Patiently.

– Pastor Gary

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