The Pastor’s Blog – EPIPHANY

This week the church celebrated Epiphany, the coming of the magi to see Jesus. Epiphany means “to be revealed” and this day (January 6) we celebrate that the King of Kings was revealed to the world through the magi. (Don’t you love the knitted kings Lorraine made for the church’s nativity scene?)

What an interesting week as we celebrated Epiphany. Riots and protests erupted south of our border, disputing who should be the rightful ruler of the nation. Somehow the message of Epiphany was missed: there is one king over all, and His name is Jesus. How we live and act and treat each other should be governed by what Jesus said and did. May His Kingdom come…

But then I am assuming all recognize Jesus as king – king over all nations and over all lives. Sadly, that is not true. The magi came and asked, “Where is he that is born king of the Jews? We have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him” (Matthew 2:2). What was the response of Herod, the king of Judea? “When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him” (Matthew 2:3).

Herod, and seemingly all of Jerusalem, were not ready give up control and power to this new king. They wanted to protect their own little kingdoms, at whatever the cost. Sadly, this scene is still being played out in our world today. People find it hard to submit to authority, even if it is to bow down and worship the King of Kings, Jesus. People want to be king (or queen) of their own lives, and wonder why life seems so difficult!

One day, “… at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow… and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11). There will be a day when everyone will see that that baby was more than just a king, he is our God! God will share his glory with no one else (Isaiah 42:8) yet God says the worship of Jesus brings glory to Himself. Make no mistake – Jesus is God!

Epiphany- the revealing of Jesus to the world. It seems there is much work to do to introduce the world to Jesus. I will join the magi (wise men) in giving what I have to Jesus. I do not have gold, frankincense or myrrh to offer: but I have myself! Gladly I give myself in service to King Jesus, my Lord and my God! Will you not join me?

– Pastor Gary

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