The Pastor’s Blog – A NEW YEAR – A FRESH START

Here we are at the start of a new year. The last year was filled with twists and turns that no one could have predicted. It was a year that challenged us to decide what our priorities were, and it made us ask what our commitment was to community. It has taught us lessons about trust and compassion. Most of all, it was a year that challenged us to decide where our focus would be – on ourselves and what we were experiencing or on the Lord and what He wanted us to learn through this.

Now here we are, turning the page to start a new year. The sheet is blank. No joys or sorrows to mark up the year yet. No successes or failures to record. Just a blank sheet. What will be penned on this journal of our life will depend on several factors.

Attitude: The year will be filled with great joys and happiness if that is what you choose to look for. That does not mean there will not be trials and heartache, but if we are looking for the good God brings into every situation we will find it (Romans 8:28). Will the journal of your life recording 2021 be filled with joy or disappointment? To a great extent you will decide by choosing what you will look for.

Gratitude: Will you be grateful for what you do have or pine for what you do not have? Will you live with gratitude for the blessings you will receive each and every day, or will you mope because there was still more you wanted?

Compassion: All around us are broken people, people just like us. God has planted you where you are at this time to reach out and help people find the healer of minds, bodies and souls. The healer is Jesus. Through your loving friendship and acts of kindness people will be pointed to Jesus. The question is, is there room in your heart for compassion, or has your world shrunk to provide care only for yourself?

Faith: No matter what events you record on that journal of 2021, can you place your trust and faith in Jesus? Lamentations 3:22-23 may help you start the year with the right attitude and with faith. This scripture reads:

22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Every day God has something special for you. If you by faith keep your eyes on Jesus, you will see the mercies each new day brings. God has something better for us than a happy new year…

God through Christ is offering us – A BLESSED NEW YEAR!

– Pastor Gary

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