Sign, Sign, everywhere a sign …

These words by the Five Man Electric Band’s song of 1970 would fit well what you find in Watson Lake, Yukon. In 1942 a worker helping build the Alaska Highway posted a sign with the direction and distance to his home in Danville, Illinois.

Well, others followed his example and by 1990 the 10,000th sign was posted. And today you will find over 77,000 signs in this forest of signs. It really is quite amazing to read all the signs and where people came from.

Twenty years ago my family added our sign to the forest, but sadly I was unable to find our sign after an extensive search through the forest this summer when we visited there. So if you are in the area, look for the Nawrocki sign!

These signs are more for recreation than anything else. They will not help a traveller find his way to the next town home, never mind find his way home! But some signs are far more valuable and important. For instance, you do not want to try driving the wrong way on a road bearing the sign, “One Way”!

Scripture gives us many signs we need to heed if we want to find our way in life. For instance, there is a “One Way” sign in scripture as well, found in John 14:6: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,” Jesus said. “No man comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus put up a stop sign when he said, “Go and sin no more” (John 8:11). The yield sign may be found in places like James 4:7, “Submit yourself to God …”

And then there are the signs Jesus gives for His followers to help them prepare for His coming again. In Luke 21:10-11 we read of these signs: “Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.”

Over the years I have missed many signs, and driven past my turn off or nearly collided with another vehicle. Missing the signs Jesus gives is very serious for the well-being of our souls. May we keep our eyes open, be ready and respond to the signs set before us even today, telling us to look for the coming of Jesus.

– Pastor Gary

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