The Pastor’s Blog — CHANGE
Over and over again I hear that people do not like change. I wondered how true that was until I felt that same struggle within myself. The shower in the ensuite broke and I had to use the other shower in our house (yes, I am one of the fortunate people in life). I did not like having to take my towel and shampoo and soap to another bathroom, so as soon as I could, I fixed the shower in the ensuite bathroom. I am happy again!
But this little adventure proved to me that I am not a fan of change. I like my routines and my order. No wonder I struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic with all its changes: line up six feet apart at the stores, stores closed or reduced hours, wear masks in certain shops, sanitize when entering a new building, and on it goes. So many changes, in such a short time.
And of course at the church we have had to do things differently. We meet online for Bible Study, Board meetings and even worship services. The sanctuary and church hall sits empty while we wait for the green light to meet again. I cannot visit seniors’ homes or the hospital any more, and calls to homes are greatly reduced and different. So much change we are all facing.
So now and again it is good to have something that feels like “normal,” something that feels similar to what it was like before COVID-19. It might be a quiet coffee in the back yard, or a walk with a friend. It could be a picnic or a project around the yard. There are moments when I can forget the “new world” I live in and enjoy a moment that feels familiar; and that feels good.
One thing that has not changed in all of this upheaval is God. His love, His mercy, His presence, His Word to us remains the same. I open my Bible and enter again the story of Daniel and the lion’s den, or the early church gathering to pray, or Jesus healing a sick person and I feel at peace. His Word does not change, as God Himself will not change.
Tomorrow in church service (online of course), we will partake of Communion to remember the love of God expressed through the sacrifice of Jesus to save us from our sin. As we eat the bread and drink from the cup it will be familiar – even if it is in our homes and not in the church building. And it will be a good moment.
Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” I will keep going back to Him when I feel anxious about all the change around me, and I feel at peace.
– Pastor Gary