The Pastor’s Blog – NO SHORTAGES!

Recently, if you went shopping for hand sanitizer you would find that the stores were all out. Same with safety masks, or gloves or even toilet paper! There seems to be all kinds of shortages, at least for a short time, during this COVID-19 crisis.
One thing there is never a shortage of and that is great places to visit on our island. God has blessed us with a wonderful place to live. The picture is of Ammonite Falls that my wife and I visited on Monday. No matter how long we sat there and admired the falls, the water did not stop flowing.
When I pour a pitcher of water, the stream soon comes to an end, but not the water at the falls. The source is high in the hills and the water will flow throughout most of the year – usually all year!
As I enjoyed the beauty of that spot, I was reminded that the grace and love and life God gives us never runs out. There is never a shortage of supply with God. No matter how many people draw from God hope and life and peace there is always more. No matter how many seek God’s comfort and love there is always more available.
I was reminded of a conversation Jesus had with a woman one day by a well. She came to draw water because there was always a shortage in her house. Jesus shared with her about the new life he was offering for those who put their faith in Him.
Listen to what He says:
Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water so that I will not get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”…
John 4:13-15
As I read those words again from our Lord, I was reminded that there is never a shortage with God! The very life He provides is like a fountain that never runs dry. I sure hope you are connected with God through faith in Jesus so you too will have life without end. You can never exhaust the love and grace of God, so come often – come daily – and draw deeply from Jesus. You will be glad you did – and you will never find there is a shortage of supply!
Praise God!
– Pastor Gary