The Pastor’s Blog – SATURDAY’S MUSINGS
I sit isolated in my house on the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. It is quiet, and the neighbourhood is still. I feel a little cooped up, but I can still walk around the block and travel to the food stores …
As I sit contemplating the meaning of Easter, the fact that Jesus died on Good Friday for the sins of all people, and then on Sunday rose from the dead to declare His victory over sin and death, I started to think about Saturday.
Not a great deal is said about Saturday, that day Jesus was isolated from the living, isolated from the Heavenly Father, isolated from the universe He created. Why? Because on Friday He was crucified on a cruel Roman cross.
Saturday is the day of quiet isolation. Jesus is lying in a tomb, sealed by a huge rock so no one can get to Him – and certainly He was going nowhere.
At least that is what the people thought. That is what Pontius Pilate, Roman official, thought. That is what the Caiaphas, Jewish High Priest thought. That is what Jesus’ twelve disciples thought.
But Jesus’ isolation did not last long! Early Sunday morning an angel came from heaven and rolled the stone away. The guards fell down and trembled in fear. The women who had come to the tomb were amazed and filled with wonder. But the angel had this message for the women:
“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here.
Mark 16:6
Jesus had finished His isolation, and now He once again moved freely – anywhere, anytime. That reminds me that this isolation will also come to an end soon. I am believing this is one of the promises of Easter.
Those things that bind us, those things that cause us distress, Jesus has already overcome them. So be of good cheer! Jesus said:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
– Pastor Gary